The Maria da Penha Law New approaches on old propositions. Where did we move on?


  • Wânia Pasinato NEV-USP



Law 11340/2006 (Maria da Penha Law), Violence against women, Women´s Police Stations, Special Courts for Domestic and Family Violence, Network Services


The aim of this paper is to discuss the obstacles and problems which have been encountered during the implementation process of Law 11340/2006, the Maria da Penha Law. The reflections presented are based on empirical data obtained during the research on “Access to Justice for Women in Situations of Violence. Comparative Study on Women’s Police Stations in Latin America (Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and Nicaragua)”. The survey was conducted between 2007 and 2009 in Belo Horizonte, and had as its core research 15 in-depth interviews with women who experienced violence in marital relations and who sought the women police station to register the incident. From the set of results, we selected some data as well as some thoughts that help to illustrate the daily life of law enforcement in that municipality. This text has reviewed aspects concerning the role of the police, the judiciary and the network of specialist services in assisting women who are victims violence. The goal is to provide elements for the debate about the application of Maria da Penha Law and contribute to its full implementation.


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Author Biography

Wânia Pasinato, NEV-USP

Socióloga. Pesquisadora Sênior do Núcleo de Estudos da Violência (colaboradora). Pesquisadora do PAGU - Núcleo de Estudos de Gênero da UNICAMP. Consultora da Secretaria Especial de Mulheres para Monitoramento do Pacto Nacional pelo Enfrentamento à VIolÊncia contra as Mulheres. Assessora Técnica do Observe - Observatório da LEi Maria da Penha



How to Cite

Pasinato, W. (2010). The Maria da Penha Law New approaches on old propositions. Where did we move on?. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 10(2), 216–232.