Maternity as invention of new possibilities of life: Analysis of experiences of “care leavers”


  • Fernanda Cruz Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Motherhood. Invention. Youth. Foster Care Services. Care.


In this paper, I examine how the experiences of motherhood and practices of child care is one of the ways in which “care leavers” invent/create new life possibilities which, ate first could reinforce their vulnerability and lack of potency. The analysis is based on ethnographic material obtained through doctoral research on deinstitutionalization conducted with the youth of Santa Catarina (Florianópolis and Palhoça) and Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre), between 2010 and 2013. At the approach taken, I try to analyze how the motherhood configurations and the practices of child care experienced by young women become objects of their invention, in view of a series of changes in the patterns of contemporary motherhood.


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How to Cite

Cruz, F. (2015). Maternity as invention of new possibilities of life: Analysis of experiences of “care leavers”. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 15(2), 326–341.