Race and a new way of analyzing our national community’s imaginary: From Freyre’s miscegenation to Fanon’s dualism


  • Liana Lewis UFPE




Racial identity. Imagened community. Gilberto Freyre. Frantz Fanon.


The present article seeks to analyze how the national Brazilian identity has become a battlefield around the racial issue. It proposes to investigate two ways of conceiving Benedict Anderson’s concept of imagined community regarding the racial matter: Gilberto Freyre’s miscegenation and Frantz Fanon’s black and white dualism. Having the analysis of Casa grande e senzala (The masters and the slaves) and Pele negra máscaras brancas (Black skin, white masks) as my departure point, I show how the Black Movement has been contesting the racial democracy perspective and demanding an identitarian politics that takes into consideration the hierarchy between white and black people.


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Author Biography

Liana Lewis, UFPE

Doutora em Antropologia pela The Nottingham Trent University (Nottingham, Reino Unido), professora do Departamento de Sociologia e do PPG em Sociologia da UFPE, em Recife, PE, Brasil.



How to Cite

Lewis, L. (2014). Race and a new way of analyzing our national community’s imaginary: From Freyre’s miscegenation to Fanon’s dualism. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 14(1), e1-e10. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7289.2014.1.16939