The photographic and social mediations in Pedro Costa




Photography and film, Social mediation, Portrait shots, Pedro Costa


This article focuses on the work of Portuguese filmmaker Pedro Costa in order to examine the mobilization of the photographic in the face of the power asymmetries between the filmmaker and the filmed subjects. The analysis focuses on three aspects: the photographs in the Down on Earth – Scrapbook (2013); the incorporation of stills by Jacob Riis in Horse Money (2014); and, finally, the aesthetic choices that evoke fixed images through the signs of immobility and the portrait tradition. The central argument is that the photographic is associated with an aesthetic-political project that, although it does not dissipate the power structures, acts as a social mediation in relation to the filmed subjects.


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Author Biography

Edson Pereira da Costa Júnior, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), Campinas, SP, Brasil.

PhD in Audiovisual Media and Processes from the University of São Paulo (USP) in São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Carried out post-doctoral research with a PNPD/CAPES scholarship at the Department of Plastic Arts at ECA-USP (2019-2021). Post-doctoral researcher and temporary participating professor at the Institute of Arts at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), in Campinas, SP, Brazil – (FAPESP 21/02448-5).


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How to Cite

Costa Júnior, E. P. da. (2024). The photographic and social mediations in Pedro Costa. Revista FAMECOS, 31(1), e43605.