Philosophical and literary reflections on the pandemic in Carta ao Coronavírus (March 22, 2020) by Timorese Dadolin Murak




timorese literature, Dadolin Murak, melancholy, individualism, solidarity


The objective of the study “Philosophical and literary reflections on the pandemic in Carta ao Coronavírus (March 22, 2020) by Timorese Dadolin Murak” is to present, on one side, the socio-political context of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the emergency measures enacted by the international and Timorese authorities, as well as the denial of the pandemic by Giorgio Amgaben and the opposite criticism by Yara Frateschi; and, on the other, to analyze the literary text, according to the reflections on exaustion (Pelbart) and melancholy (Agamben), and the facets of individualism and those of solidarity. In addition, the role of the intelectual (Sartre), activist or writer, who takes a stand on different social issues, will be considered. Murak denies Agambem´s fallacy about the invention of the pandemic.


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Author Biography

Denise Rocha, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU), Uberlândia, MG, Brasil.

Doutora em Literatura e Vida Social pela Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), em Assis, SP, Brasil; bacharel em História e Germanística na Ruprechts-Karl-Universität, em Heidelberg, Alemanha, onde obteve o título de Magister Artium; pós-doutorado na Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL) e na Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC); licenciada em Letras pela UNESP e pedagogia pelo Centro Universitário Cidade Verde (UNIFCV).


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How to Cite

Rocha, D. (2023). Philosophical and literary reflections on the pandemic in Carta ao Coronavírus (March 22, 2020) by Timorese Dadolin Murak. Navegações, 16(1), e43799.