Identification of the determining factors for digital social media adoption according to types of information technology governance mechanisms


  • Luis Antonio Janssen PUCRS
  • Edimara Mezzomo Luciano PUCRS
  • Mauricio Gregianin Testa PUCRS


Digital Social Media. .IT governance. New technologies adoption.


This study aims to identify the organizational factors that are used in determining the adoption of digital social media by businesses, according to the types of IT Governance mechanisms. For this, an exploratory research was conducted through interviews with executives responsible for Information Technology (IT) in 14 multinational companies in Latin America, using as basis the types of IT Governance (GTI) mechanisms: structure, processes and relationships. The contributions of the study are to identify these factors to support decision making as well as to propose a conceptual model of the relationship between the factors identified and the IT governance, while pointing out some managerial implications, limitations and suggestions for future research.


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