The impact of the use of ICT (information and communication technologies) on the Brazilian GDP: an exercise using Paul Romer’s model


  • Renato da Silveira Pazotto PUC São Paulo
  • Maria Cristina Sanches Amorim PUC São Paulo
  • Flávio Morgado PUC São Paulo


Development and Information Technology and Communication. Brazilian GDP. Paul Romer.


The aim of this paper is to evaluate the impact of investment in ICT in the Brazilian GDP. Regarding the methodology, it is quantitative exercise with the model of Paul Romer, modeled on a study by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the UN agency that produced the ICT Development Index (IDI), index of technology development information. The result shows that countries with a large population, a low level of training and poor access to information technologies are those that have a higher percentage change in GDP. Given the necessary adjustments to the use of available data, the absolute values found are less important than the development of the tool.

Author Biographies

Renato da Silveira Pazotto, PUC São Paulo

Economista graduado pela PUC-SP, diretor da Cisco Systems

Maria Cristina Sanches Amorim, PUC São Paulo

Economista, professora titular do Departamento de Economia e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração da PUC-SP

Flávio Morgado, PUC São Paulo

PUC São Paulo


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