Grammatical and Communicative Competences as one: a study on symbouletic modality




Semantics, Symbouletic modality, Pragmatics, Procedural meaning


The present paper aims to raise awareness of the importance of an integrated teaching of semantics and pragmatics, especially the linguistic-communicative competence in the additional language classroom. In order to support it, we have discussed symbouletic modality, a natural language phenomenon that takes place precisely at the interface of form and use. At first we discuss Kratzer’s (1981, 1991, 2012) framework for natural language modality and Yanovich’s (2013a, 2013b) proposal for the symbouletic modal flavor. After that, we discuss pragmatic cognitive tools for language process analysis in the form of conceptual and procedural meanings, based on Sperber and Wilson's (1995) relevance theory. Lastly, by this illustration, we reinforce our original argument, hoping to bridge further the gap sometimes found between linguistic research and additional language pedagogy.


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How to Cite

Strey, C., & Monawar, M. (2017). Grammatical and Communicative Competences as one: a study on symbouletic modality. Letras De Hoje, 52(3), 294–301.