
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text follows the journal's formatting requirements according to the "Guidelines for Authors"found in the "Submissions" section.
  • It is mandatory to fill in the Article Cover, with the article information. This document must be forwarded separately at the time of submission.

Author Guidelines

  • The journal adopts the updated reference standard of ABNT (ABNT - General Rules).

  • The files submitted must have the text in open format (Word).

  • The file submitted to evaluation must not contain indications of authorship. The identification will be added after the article’s acceptation.

  • Articles made by researchers with a doctor’s degree, Ph. D. students, and master’s degree are accepted. Articles made by undergraduate students and by researchers with master’s degree in process will only be accepted in co-authorship with professors with a doctor’s degree.

  • The author submitting the article must have at least a doctor’s degree.

  • The text must necessarily contain title, abstract, and keywords in the languages indicated by the journal: Portuguese, English, and Spanish.

  • The text should have between 16 and 20 pages.

  • The abstracts must have between 250 and 300 words; the keywords must be between 3 and 5.

  • If the text is not originally in Portuguese, it should contain abstract and keywords in Portuguese, and in the journal’s other interface languages.

  • The author should keep his/her profile information updated.

  • The authors’ profiles must contain the following data: full name with right spelling; ORCID (org); affiliation: institution, city, state, and country (in no circumstance the authors’ degrees or short curricula should be added in affiliation. Such information, when necessary, should be presented separately from the affiliations as author’s notes); e-mail; complete physical address of the corresponding author, which may be the institution’s address presented at the end of the article; funding agency (if necessary); potential conflicts of interest (if necessary).

  • For more information, please access our template.

  • Optionally, the authors may include at the end of the article: a) acknowledgements; b) short curriculum: academic training and professional history.

  • Figures and tables must be included in the body text (with software identification and version) and must also be sent in a separate file during the submission process.

  • The references must be correct and following the ABNT style.

  • The contribution must be original and unedited. It must not be sent for evaluation in other journals.

  • Papers’ publication is conditioned to peer review approval, by ad hoc Original perspective of the subject, consistency and rigor in the approach, and contribution to the field are taken into account in the review. The reviewers’ names are kept in sigil, as well as the authors’ names for the reviewers.

  • The spontaneous submission of articles and the further approval for publication automatically imply the cession of the right of first publication to the journal. The author maintains the intelectual property rights. Eventual posterior reproduction, by any means, can be done through mutual and previous agreement between the Journal and the author with the due mention of the source.

  • The concepts emitted in the articles are of exclusive responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editorial Committee and the Editorial Board.


The articles section gathers texts written by one or more researchers whose objective is to publish academic research results. The articles can be either theoretical review, focusing on literature review on a topic, or empirical, based on the observation of phenomena. It is expected that the work presents a clear objective(s), theoretical foundation, methodology and results.

Section Features:

  • Attach cover sheet (in a separate file from the article), containing: authors' names, title, institutional affiliation, Orcid(s), e-mail(s) and minibiography.
  • Texts with up to three authors are accepted, with similar degrees and no less than a doctorate in progress.
  • From 16 to 20 pages.
  • Title in Portuguese, English and Spanish.


The translation section brings together written texts translated into Portuguese from scientific articles published in foreign languages.

Section Features:

  • Attach cover sheet (in a separate file from the article), containing: authors' names, title, institutional affiliation, Orcid(s), e-mail(s) and minibiography.
  • Texts with up to three authors are accepted, with similar degrees and no less than a doctorate in progress.
  • From 16 to 20 pages.
  • Title in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

Privacy Statement

The names, email addresses, and other data entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of the journal and will not be made available for any other purpose.