Incidence of spiders of public health importance in Curitibanos, Santa Catarina


  • Daiane Cristina Chenet
  • Sheila Cristina Wolfart 11. Coordenação Regional de Educação, Curitibanos, SC
  • Patrícia Ferruzzi Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC), Lages, SC
  • Rosiléia Marinho de Quadros Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC), Lages, SC
  • Sandra Márcia Tietz Marques Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



arachnidism, spiders, public health


Objective: To provide information on the main spider species of public health importance captured in Curitibanos, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Materials and Methods: Spiders were captured from households and from a school in the rural area of Curitibanos, southern Brazil, between April and October 2008. Live spiders were collected, placed in plastic containers and sent off to the Laboratory of Biology of UNIPLAC (Lages/SC). The spiders were kept in captivity, identified and observed on a daily basis. The species were identified using a stereo microscope under which the following characteristics were analyzed: appearance of the abdomen, color, number of eyes and shape of pedipalps. After that, the spiders were classified according to species, sex, and developmental stage. Results: A total of 62 spiders of public health importance were captured. The following species were identified: Loxosceles intermedia (63%), L. laeta (16%), suborder Mygalomorphae (9.7%), Phoneutria nigriventer (6.5%) and Lycosa sp. (4.8%). Spiders of the genus Loxosceles were captured from households, whereas spiders of the suborder Mygalomorphae, Phoneutria nigriventer and Lycosa sp. were captured from the school in the rural area of Curitibanos. Conclusion: The results indicate that Loxosceles was the most prevalent gender in the studied region. The study provides updated information about spiders of public health importance captured in Curitibanos.

Author Biographies

Daiane Cristina Chenet

Bióloga. Rua Bernardo Guimarães, 15, Biarro Universitário, Lages, SC.

Sheila Cristina Wolfart, 11. Coordenação Regional de Educação, Curitibanos, SC

Bióloga, Profa., 11. Coordenação Regional de Educação, Curitibanos, SC. Av. Salomão Carneiro de Almeida, 391, Centro, Curitibanos, SC

Patrícia Ferruzzi, Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC), Lages, SC

Med. Vet., Profa. Faculdade de Ciências Biológicas, UNIPLAC, Lages, SC.

Rosiléia Marinho de Quadros, Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC), Lages, SC

Med. Vet., Bióloga, Faculdade de Ciências Biológicas, UNIPLAC, Lages, SC. Doutoranda, FAVET/UFRGS

Sandra Márcia Tietz Marques, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

MSc. Dr. , Técnica Científica, Médica Veterinária, Pesquisador, Laboratório de Protozoologia, Faculdade de Veterinária, UFRGS





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