Consumption and knowledge on source of lipid foods by health technical school teachers


  • Gislaine Anastácio
  • Letícia Grasel
  • Fernanda Ghignone e Silva Badotti
  • Sônia Teresinha De Negri



food consumption, dietary fat, knowledge


Objective: To investigate the consumption habit and the knowledge on source of lipid foods among teachers from a State Technical Health School in Porto Alegre, RS. Material and Methods: Transversal study, carried out with teachers of both genders through a questionnaire of food consumption frequency containing nine food groups, predominantly a source of lipids, and another questionnaire aiming at the recognition of edible fat and their effects in human health. Descriptive statistical analysis was conducted using the Excel software. Results: 39 teachers participated in the research, of which 28 were women, with an age average of 43±11 years old. Daily olive oil consumption was quoted by 38% of participants and skimmed milk by 41%. Margarine is habitual for approximately 25% of them and more than half of the group denied the use of mayonnaise or butter. They refer frequent consumption, from 1 to 3 times a week, of pizza (54%), red meat with no apparent fat (49%) and poultry with no skin (70%). Lunch meat, fried food and deep fried food were eventually consumed by the majority, including oily food. Conclusion: The teachers demonstrated adequate knowledge about the importance of selecting foods which are sources of lipid and their effects in the organism. They also exerted good choice of these foods in their day-to-day life. Additional information in Nutrition could contribute even more to this healthy practice and to the diffusion of these knowledge.





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