Mental health care network: the interaction importance between the primary


  • Alessandra Ritzel dos Santos Schneider



public health, psiquiatric reform, mental health, network care mental health


Introduction: The effectiveness of the mental health care network is necessary to the implementation of actions that provide the formation of the web links that promotes psychosocial and quality of life of individuals who have mental disorders. Objective: To develop a theoretical essay on the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform, legislation on mental health in Brazil and the services regulated by this as well as the importance of structuring the network of mental health care, emphasizing the interplay between the specialized services of mental health care and the role of primary health care in building this network. Materials and Methods: We searched the literature published in the last 10 years, written in Portuguese, as well as specific mental health descriptors. Results: The theoretical research pointed to the need of an expanded mental health view, including mental suffering, sheltering the User and promoting their best conveyance, recognizing the role that its territory has in the process, guiding an important and strategic relationship in the health care network articulation. Conclusion: Thus, it is necessary to promote the integration and interaction between the sectors and stakeholders in the mental health care network and primary care, involving health services, management and social participation, both in achieving the care and the mental health care, as in the production and regulation of the health services network.

Author Biography

Alessandra Ritzel dos Santos Schneider

Fisioterapeuta (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, UFSM, RS), especialização em Saúde Coletiva (UNIFRA, RS), mestrado em Saúde Coletiva (ULBRA, Canoas, RS). Prestou serviços na Secretaria de Saúde de Santa Maria - RS de 2001 a 2008, atuando na equipe dos CAPS II Prado Veppo, CAPS AD (álcool e outras drogas), Ambulatório de Apoio ao Abandono do Tabagismo. Atuou como integrante da Comissão de Saúde Mental do Município de Santa Maria (2005-2007), Coordenadora do CAPS II Prado Veppo (2005-2006), Coordenadora do Programa de Controle do Tabagismo (INCA) na Secretaria de Saúde de Santa Maria - RS (2006-2008).





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