Health and interdisciplinary: world vast world


  • Jussara Maria Rosa Mendes Faculdade de Serviço Social da PUCRS
  • Alzira Maria Baptista Lewgoy Faculdade de Serviço Social da PUCRS
  • Esalba Carvalho Silveira Faculdade de Serviço Social da PUCRS



policies, planning, health management, history


This article seeks to review evolution from the angle of health and disease over the course of history, and to identify the motions that are leading us in the direction of a multiple and interdisciplinary vision within that process. A bibliography revision has been made allowing us to revisit the history. The picture then is of a “world vast world”, illustrated in the poetry of Drummond, the understanding of which demands a keen awareness concerning the meanings and inequalities that it brings. This work makes possible to resignify the importance of the junction of different cognitions, in a society globalize also by knowledge. It also shows us a way for the integration of professional actions when employing public policies, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. The lack of interdisciplinary implies the fragmentation of health technologies and of the consolidate praxis.





Articles of Reflection