Plantar maneuver increases the podal contact area, balance and reduces the risk of fall in elderly


  • Ana Elisa Zuliani Stroppa-Marques Fisioterapeuta. Doutorado em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias. Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Departamento de Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional, Marília, SP, Brasil.
  • Daiany Sousa Silva Fisioterapeuta. Centro Universitário de Rio Preto (UNIRP), São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brasil.
  • Fernanda Barbosa de Oliveira Fisioterapeuta. Centro Universitário de Rio Preto (UNIRP), São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brasil.
  • Jessica Cristina Bonfim Graciozo Fisioterapeuta. Centro Universitário de Rio Preto (UNIRP), São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brasil.
  • João Simão de Melo-Neto Fisioterapeuta. Doutorado em Ciências da Saúde. Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), Belém, PA, Brasil.
  • Laís Passos Marcondes Fisioterapeuta. Especialista em Fisiologia e Biomecânica do Exercício Físico e MBA Executivo em Recursos Humanos. UNIRP, São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brasil.



postural balance, posture, foot, aged.


Objective: To analyze the acute effect of the foot manipulation on the plantar support, balance, gait and risk of falls in elderly. Materials and Methods: Pre and post quasi-experimental study. Fourteen healthy elderly (12 women) with a mean age of 66±5 years were evaluated before and after plantar maneuvers. The evaluation protocol consisted of the plantar area contact (cm²), performed by plantigraphy; the index of the plantar arch, by the Staheli index (mm); balance, gait and risk of falls, performed using the Tinetti scale. The elderly patients were submitted to manipulations of the fascia and intrinsic musculature of the foot. The data were analyzed statistically.

Results: The index of the plantar arch showed no significant differences. There was an increase in the contact area on the right foot (before 113.24±13.07 cm², after 115.07±14.02 cm²; p=0.025, paired t-test) and left (before 112.98±15.58 cm², after

116.48±15.25 cm²; p=0.006, paired t test). The Tinetti scale showed a significant increase in balance (before 14.21±0.22, after

15.21±0.57, p=0.016, Wilcoxon test) and low risk of falls (before 25.7±0.29, after 27.1±0.1, p=0.008, Wilcoxon test) after the maneuvers. The gait showed no significant differences. In addition, during the analysis of the Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r), there was a moderate relationship between the plantar contact area with the balance (r=0.405; p=0.033) and the risk of fall (r=0.379; p=0.008).

Conclusion: The plantar maneuver increases the plantar contact area, improves balance and reduces the risk of falling.


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