Effect of a food reeducation program on the functional capacity of women


  • Carlos Leandro Tiggemann
  • Indianara Cristina Gonçalves
  • Helena Conrad dos Santos
  • Marco Aurélio Weber
  • Jéssica Luana Dornelles da Costa
  • Caroline Pieta Dias




obesity, body mass index, women, disable persons, weight loss.


Introduction: Obesity is a public health problem that compromises several health parameters of the subjects, including functional capacity (FC).

Objective: To evaluate the effect of the participation of women in a food reeducation program on FC.

Materials and Methods: This is a longitudinal retrospective study including a sample of 794 women (48.4±12.3 years; body mass index of 30.8±5.2 kg/m² – BMI). Subjects participated weekly in a food reeducation program for 20 weeks. Body mass (BM) and physical exercise (self-report) were measured weekly, with the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HRQ20) and the abdominal perimeter evaluated at the beginning and at the end of the program. The total sample was divided into subgroups for BMI, magnitude of BM reduction, physical exercise practice and age. The variables were compared using the Wilcoxon test (pre and post) and the Mann-Whitney test (among the subgroups, p≤0.05).

Results: Significant improvement of the FC among participants (0.17±0.31 vs 0.07±0.21; p<0.001), as well as in the anthropometric parameters (BM 80.66±14.58 vs 75.48± 14.03; p<0.001). All subgroups showed improvement of the FC over time, and only the BMI and age subgroups presented significant differences between the two groups.

Conclusion: It is concluded that the participation of women in a program of dietary reeducation promotes an improvement of their FC, reducing several parameters of the body composition, in a way that only age and BMI influenced FC.


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