The interpolations in the Corps Juris Civilis


  • Wambert Gomes Di Lorenzo PUCRS


Legal History, Roman Law, Corpus Juris Civilis, Interpolations.


Tthe interpolations in the Corpus Juris Civilis of Justinian. Tthis paper discusses the classic legal scholars’ interpolations in the production of the Western Legal Culture’s most important work. In its first section introduces its sources, method, and the historical background of each book of Justinian’s Code, as well as provides an analysis of how, why and in which context has each book been produced. In its second part the paper presents investigative methods of identification of the probable interpolations found in the original texts by the use of criteria such as textual (or by direct comparison), historical, logical, legal-logical, legislative, systematical, philological (or linguistic analysis), exegetical, and of diplomatic considerations.

Author Biography

Wambert Gomes Di Lorenzo, PUCRS

Doutor e Mestre em Direito. Professor na Faculdade de Direito da PUCRS. Professor no PPG em Direito da UCS. Advogado.


