In blank and incomplete negotiable instruments: an analysis of the essential requirements of its formation and the legal effects of the filling agreement


  • André Fernandes Estevez USP, UFRGS, PUCRS



Negotiable instruments Law. “In blank” and incomplete negotiable instruments. Filling agreement. Essential requirements.


This research resumes the analysis of the in blank and the incomplete negotiable instruments through critical perspective, with the aim to determinate the minimal requirements to its circulations, especially in atypical negotiable instruments and its classical forms, as example of the bill of exchange, the promissory note and the cheque. Also, it makes the analysis of the filling agreement and its legal consequences, starting in legislative comparisons. In review of the historical evolution of the subject, is seen specific distortions in jurisprudence. Nowadays, is possible to observe an interpretative strain, dimensioned by a dissent about the applied degree of formality required the application of negotiable instruments Law.


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