The environmental criminal tutelage and the (in)evolution of the environment as a legal good: a case study of the crime described on the article 38 of Law No. 9605/98


  • Sérgio Augustin UCS



Environmental legal good. Environmental crime. Environmental protection.


The Brazilian Federal Constitution establishes that the environment is a fundamental right and as such should be protected for this and future generations. Establishes also that the crimes against the environment, which daily become harmful and impactful to all nature, should be restrained. The environmental criminal constitutional legislation, especially the Law 9.605/98, seeks to regulate the constitution and establishing criminal offenses for the purpose of protecting these legal assets. In this paper we investigate the applicability of a specific device, art. 38 of the Environmental Crimes Law, which seeks to protect the forest while it is a permanent preservation area. From a criminal case that has resulted from a complaint by environmental crime, it is analyzed the criminal offense referred to in the already mentioned art. 38.

Author Biography

Sérgio Augustin, UCS

Doutor em Direito (UFPR). Coordenador do PPGDIR-UCS. Juiz de Direito do RS


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