Powers, roles and functions of municipal authorities within the context of contemporary public administration


  • Luis Roque Klering
  • Sandro Trescastro Bergue
  • Christine da Silva Schröeder
  • Melody de Campos Soares Porssed
  • Eduardo Stranz
  • Alexandra Jochims Kruel


Public administration. Local governments. Powers, roles and functions of municipal autorithies.


The intent of this article is to present municipal powers, responsibilities and functions within the context of contemporary public administration, based in particular on the understanding of legislative and executive powers as interdependent parts of municipal government. Therefore, it focuses especially on the evolution of new municipal concerns, identifying the functions that are expanding (or decreasing) its importance in the context of municipal powers and administration, presenting in a comparative manner the expenses of Brazilian local governments, by functions, between 2006 and 2008, and ending with the proposition of issues in regard to innovative governmental actions and attributes of innovative projects in the municipal realm.

Author Biography

Luis Roque Klering

Doutora em Administração, Professora Adjunta do PPGA/PUCRS


