A Inserção de Empresas Prestadoras de Serviços de tecnologia da Informação (Ti) Instaladas em Parques Tecnológicos: uma análise no contexto de cadeias globais


  • Moema Pereira Nunes PUCRS
  • Ronald Tavares Pires da Silva UNEMAT
  • Adolfo Alberto Vanti PPGA/UNISINOS
  • José Antônio Valle Antunes Júnior UNISINOS


Services. Information Technology. Global Chains. Offshore. Technology Park.


The increasing internationalization of companies in recent years has revealed opportunities for the insertion of Brazilian companies into global chains. One area that has developed within the concept of the global market was the business of providing IT services. In this same period, Technology Parks have developed an environment characterized by innovative companies in IT and with ample potential for internationalization. From this observation comes the opportunity to investigate how the Brazilian IT services providers are entering into global chains. To develop this study, we investigated the firms located in one in Science and Technology Park located in southern Brazil. From the construction of a theoretical base, a working method were proposed, which guided the conduct of this research with the nine companies who formed the sample for the survey. The findings of this study point to the fact that the insertion of these companies is still taking place mainly through involvement of personal nature. However, it is reasonable to assume that institutional actions from the park can contribute effectively to enhance the integration of enterprises, especially the sources, this comprehensive process of internationalization of enterprises.

Author Biographies

Moema Pereira Nunes, PUCRS

Doutora em Administração, Professora Adjunta do PPGA/PUCRS

Ronald Tavares Pires da Silva, UNEMAT

Doutorando em Administração do PPGA/UNISINOS; Professor da UNEMAT.

Adolfo Alberto Vanti, PPGA/UNISINOS

Doutor em Administração; Professor do Mestrado e Doutorado do PPGA/UNISINOS e Mestrado em Ciências Contábeis.

José Antônio Valle Antunes Júnior, UNISINOS

Doutor em Administração; Professor do Mestrado e Doutorado do PPGA/UNISINOS e Mestrado em Engenharia de Produção da UNISINOS.


