Venture Capital in Brazil: the role of the seed fund CRIATEC


  • Ana Paula Mussi Szabo Cherobim UFPR
  • Andréa Torres Barros Batinga de Mendonça UFPR
  • Sidele Woehl UFPR
  • Thiago Cavalcante Nascimento UFRN


Venture Capital. Innovation. CRIATEC.



Venture capital has been highlighted as a source of funding, particularly for innovation. Among the programs created by public agencies in Brazil to foster the development of businesses along the lines of Venture Capital, are the "Projeto Inovar", and the Fund CRIATEC. The latter is the object studied in this work that seeks to describe how the seed fund CRIATEC has been in financing innovative technology-based. To achieve this goal was collected primary data based in a survey online with business contributed by the Fund, and secondary data from company websites (CRIATEC, BNDES and group manager of the Fund). There is some concentration of invested companies in the Southeast and some split in the Northeast and South, beyond the fact that no companies included in the Midwest. Although it was possible to observe that companies in the biotechnology and information technology are of major role in holding in the fund. For the most part, these companies direct their investments into research and development, seen as a priority for managers.




