Implementing an ERP in a Public Institution of Higher Education: an investigation about the system life cycle


  • David Luiz Silva Ferreira UFSM
  • Mauri Leodir Löbler UFRGS
  • Monize Sâmara Visentini UFRGS
  • Eliete dos Reis Lehnhart UFSM


Information System. Implementation. Public Organizations.


Considering the importance of improving the implantation process of ERP Systems at public sector, this paper aims to describe the implantation of ERP System from a Federal Institution for Higher Education (IFES) by analyzing the life cycle system proposed by Souza and Zwicker (2000). The research was descriptive and qualitative by a case study method developed at the Federal University of Maranhão (Brazil). This case’s choice is justified on account of the focus event of analyzes that occurred twice on an institution of nearly 50 years existence. Data was collected by a technique of semi structure interviews, applied at 43 people, as system deployers, managers of ERP system and operational system users. Also, data was collected using system documentation and technical manuals. The study results, based on Souza and Zwicher (2000) phases model, shows the decision and selection phases, implementation, utilization (benefits) and utilization (difficulties) from life cycle of ERP. We intent in describing real implementation of an ERP System at an IFES contribute for Brazilian’s public organizations studies, especially those which provide educational services of higher level.


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