Investigation of Intercultural Competence: CDA of EFL Students’ Baseline Portfolios


  • Abduljalil Hazaea Najran University


Palabras clave:

intercultural competence, CDA, intercultural text, EFL students, student portfolio.


In monocultural classes, Saudi English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students have to acquire not only linguistic competence but also to develop Intercultural Competence (IC) when they read and write in English. This article investigates IC scattered in EFL students’ baseline portfolios collected in an enrichment critical reading class at the Preparatory Year of Najran University. IC is operationalised as intercultural attitude, intercultural knowledge and intercultural skills evident as discourses in intercultural texts. The data comprises semi-structured interview and intercultural assignment, which is an encounter discourse to intercultural text. A qualitative empirical research design was used to analyze the data through Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) techniques. The findings indicate that IC is underdeveloped. Most of the participants represent negative attitude towards intercultural communication. They also lack appropriate intercultural knowledge and effective intercultural skills. The findings suggest that EFL teaching and learning practices need to shift towards a more intercultural perspective.


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Cómo citar

Hazaea, A. (2019). Investigation of Intercultural Competence: CDA of EFL Students’ Baseline Portfolios. BELT - Brazilian English Language Teaching Journal, 9(2), 458–475.


