Designing classroom material to promote socialization and social change


  • Vinícius Borges de Medeiros Cardoso Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


Palabras clave:

classroom material, socialization, social change, communicative approach, critical literacy.


This paper will review the process of developing two units of a coursebook that aimed to promote socialization and social change. Teaching perspectives on the Communicative Approach and Critical Literacy are reviewed, advocating the possibility of linking both perspectives. The methods of dealing with the receptive and productive skills and three language systems – grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation – are synthesized and reasons for supporting the choice of the activities in the units are given throughout the article. The results of this study suggest that the coursebook syllabus can bring together both the possibility of socialization, fostered by the Communicative Approach, and social change, encouraged by the Critical Literacy. Thus, coursebooks are important factors to promote students’ active citizenship.


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Cómo citar

Cardoso, V. B. de M. (2019). Designing classroom material to promote socialization and social change. BELT - Brazilian English Language Teaching Journal, 9(2), 323–341.


