Armut und Armentheologie in den Psalmen: Sozialgeschichtliche Auslegung und Befreiungstheologie


  • Erhard Siegfried Gerstenberger Universidade de Marburg


Psalms, The poor, Poverty, Persian domination, Theology of Liberation.


The present article examines the Jewish psalter with the aim of finding indications as to the correspondence between a few concepts related to poverty and oppression (‘ani, ’ebyon, dal, raš, dak etc.) and the real situation in which the people of Israel was during the composition of those texts. The thesis according to which such equivalence can be in fact verified will be supported by a few central psalms such as Ps 9/10, 12, 37, 49 and 73. Secondly, in order to prove that thesis, the language of those psalms will be compared with the reality experienced by the people during the rule of Persian Empire. Finally, given that the identification of biblical texts with the poor is not endorsed only by the texts themselves, but also with the possibility of comparing them with other analogous social contexts, it is worth comparing the results of the present study with the hermeneutic endeavors of Liberation Theology, in particular with its classical biblical interpretation of the 20th century.


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