Morphological alterations of rotary nickel-titanium protaper® instruments analyzed by SEM: effect of nitrogen ion implantation


  • Alex Niederauer Becker Federal University of Santa Maria
  • Elias Pandonor Motcy de Oliveira Federal University of Santa Maria
  • Ruth Hinrichs Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Marcos Antônio Zen Vasconcellos Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Carlos Frederico Brilhante Wolle UNIFRA



Endodontics, scanning electron microscopy, nickel-titanium


Abstract Purpose:This study evaluated the morphological alterations that occur in rotary nickel-titanium instruments during nitrogen-ion implantation. Methods: Instruments were divided into three groups: Group A- ProTaper SX instruments were subjected to ionic implantation with bands of nitrogen ions at 100 keV, ion dose was 1.0 X 1017 ions/cm², Group B- ProTaper SX instruments were subjected to ionic implantation with bands of nitrogen ions at 200 keV, ion dose was 1.0 X 1017 ions/cm², and Group C instruments served as unmodified controls. Each instrument was utilized to prepare five canals in epoxy resin blocks with a brushing motion. The instruments were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) before use and after 60 s and 300 s of work inside canals in epoxy resin blocks. Results: Material loss and distortion were statistically similar in all groups. However, while only one instrument in group A and only one instrument in group B fractured during use, three instruments in group C fractured during use. Conclusion: Nitrogen ion implantation can improve the properties of nickel-titanium rotary instruments. However, widespread adoption by the dental industry may not yet be tenable due to the cost (nitrogen ion implantation is a costly process) and relatively small benefit.


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