Enamel microabrasion: achieving aesthetic success to dental fluorosis in a single session – one-year follow-up


  • Cecília Atem Gonçalves de Araújo Costa University of Fortaleza and Federal University of Ceará.
  • Rodrigo Richard da Silveira Federal University of Minas Gerais, School of Dentistry.
  • José Carlos Pereira University of São Paulo, Bauru School of Dentistry.
  • Juliano Sartori Mendonça Federal University of Ceará. Faculty of Pharmacy, Dentistry and Nursing.
  • Sérgio Lima Santiago Federal University of Ceará, Faculty of Pharmacy, Dentistry and Nursing.




conservative procedure, dental fluorosis, enamel, white spots.


OBJECTIVE: To describe the enamel microabrasion technique used to treat the patient with white stains due dental fluorosis, highlighting the importance of complete anamnesis and clinical examination to achieve the clinical success.
CASE DESCRIPTION: patient’s complains, aesthetic self-perception, age, general health, history of excessive intake of fluoride and time of teeth development were considered to the diagnosis and treatment plan. Also, dental trans illumination was used to evaluate the white spots diffusion and estimate the lesion’s length. An abrasive paste mixture of equal parts 37% phosphoric acid and pumice was applied with a wooden spatula in order to perform enamel microabrasion. After the last application, the teeth were polished with finishing discs and a neutral sodium fluoride gel was applied to enamel remineralization. Satisfactory results in the aesthetic improvement were possible with a minimally invasive and cost-effective technique. The dental trans illumination after treatment showed the disappearance of the enamel opacities, preserved on the one-year follow-up.
CONCLUSION: Cosmetic dentistry has been increasingly practiced today. However, a correct aesthetic planning should be based on current restorative dentistry concept. For any type of procedure, the dentist should opt for sound tooth structure preservation. This technique might be an efficient alternative to restorative treatments and can be considered a successful procedure. In cases of esthetic alterations due fluorosis, non-invasive methods such enamel microabrasion should be considered before invasive restorative treatments.

Author Biographies

Cecília Atem Gonçalves de Araújo Costa, University of Fortaleza and Federal University of Ceará.

Graduate program,  Faculty of Pharmacy, Dentistry and Nursing

Rodrigo Richard da Silveira, Federal University of Minas Gerais, School of Dentistry.

Department of Operative Dentistry.

José Carlos Pereira, University of São Paulo, Bauru School of Dentistry.

Department of Operative Dentistry, Endodontics and Dental Materials.

Juliano Sartori Mendonça, Federal University of Ceará. Faculty of Pharmacy, Dentistry and Nursing.

Department of Operative Dentistry.

Sérgio Lima Santiago, Federal University of Ceará, Faculty of Pharmacy, Dentistry and Nursing.

Department of Operative Dentistry.


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Case Report