The Family Health Program: making possible the universal public health in Brazil


  • Nadia Lucia Fuhrmann


The exposed theme in this article approaches the implantation of the Family Health Program as estrategy of conversion of the System of Health in Brazil. In the field of the public health, FHP is configured, now, in the widest assistencial politics of the section. It is disseminated by the whole national territory, tends as main goal the reorganization of the services and actions of health in the level of the primary attention. We chose three aspects that seem us central for the unterstanding of the process of implantation of FHP in Brazil, to know: the origem and the antecedents of the Program, the implantation and the impact of the Program in the municipal level and finally, the formation of the multiprofissional teams that constitute the units of health. Therefore, we intend to socialize part of the studies we have been conducting since 1997 about FHP in the Research Center on Social and Political Demands, in Social Work Post-Graduation Program at PUCRS.
Key words: FHP. Conversion of the system health. Multiprofissional teams.


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How to Cite

Fuhrmann, N. L. (2006). The Family Health Program: making possible the universal public health in Brazil. Textos & Contextos (Porto Alegre), 2(1), 1–15. Retrieved from



Social Work and Health