The diversity of human condition and the handicap of knowledge: living together with the differences and the individual´s peculiarities


  • Idilia Fernandes


Many of the methods created in the diverse areas of knowing have served to create walls between the people. Creating borders that separate the “normal ones” of the not “normal ones”. In this work in such a way the fiction as the real life will be supplying subsidies argument that it intends to ustentar the idea of that the main deficit if locates in the social organizations, in the institutions, the methods and not only in the individual. The knowledge are limited to understand the reality of the person. One becomes necessary to have care when manipulating with the knowledge not to wound the life of the people. On behalf of the unfamiliarity on the condition human being, if it cannot masi sacrifice the singularidades human beings and nor prohibit its expressions.
Key words: Social processes. Standard of normality. Culture of normality. Singularity. Differences. Condition human. Deficiency of the knowledge. Preconception. Carrying person of deficiency.


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How to Cite

Fernandes, I. (2006). The diversity of human condition and the handicap of knowledge: living together with the differences and the individual´s peculiarities. Textos & Contextos (Porto Alegre), 2(1), 1–11. Retrieved from



Social Work and Health