Knowing the reality of the recyclers material collectors in Dique´s Slum: visions concerning sickness and health processes


  • Inez Rocha Zacarias Grupo Hospitalar Conceição
  • Caren Serra Bavaresco Grupo Hospitalar Conceição


Considering the changes in the working world and significant growth in unemployment, many workers found themselves in recycling the power to ensure the sustenance of their families. Since the precariousness of the work process and the situation of social exclusion in which they are, many are the issues that permeate the process of health/disease such workers. Therefore, it is necessary for professional health services, especially primary health care, have taken the reality and know the vision of these subjects on the production of health/disease, to highlight it and provide a look new meaning, describing the actions in health. This study was built from the research conducted with the workers recyclable materials from the Vila Dique, community located in the northwest of Porto Alegre, territory of coverage of Unidade de Saúde Santíssima Trindade.

Key words – Work informally. Workers recyclable materials. Processes of health/disease.


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How to Cite

Zacarias, I. R., & Bavaresco, C. S. (2009). Knowing the reality of the recyclers material collectors in Dique´s Slum: visions concerning sickness and health processes. Textos & Contextos (Porto Alegre), 8(2), 293–305. Retrieved from



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