Ways of life: discussions and contributions for social work with families


  • Mónica de Martino Universidad de la República


This article examines the ways of lifes category, placing in dialogue to different authors and epistemological perspectives. Try the storage theoretical and applied social work has often uncritically, in the professional field related to families. We believe that the various meanings that are presented in this article for that category, the basis for the relevance. Ways of lifes is considered an imperative category for understanding the relationship between objective and subjective conditions of life, from which the members and their families weave their paths even in the most adverse circumstances. We believe that their ability heuristic posicionaría so theoretically nuanced and ethically responsible to the Social Work in the present circumstances.

Key words – Ways of lifes. Objective/subjective conditions of life. Objectivism/ phenomenology. Families. Social Work.


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How to Cite

Martino, M. de. (2009). Ways of life: discussions and contributions for social work with families. Textos & Contextos (Porto Alegre), 8(1), 3–21. Retrieved from https://revistaseletronicas.pucrs.br/fass/article/view/5672



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