Forensic social expertise in family law

reflections for a necessary dialogue between Social Work and Law




Code of Civil Procedure, Family Law, Forensic expertise, Forensic Social Work expertise, Intercession between law and social work


The Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure provides that when necessary, to clarify specific situations that goes beyond the knowledge of the court, forensic expertise could be realized. In Family Law, forensic social work are usually demanded because, in addition to became an evidence prove in judicial process, it is a way to contribute with the judge decision make by explaining the social-culture and economics experiences of those involved. Trough bibliographic research, but without neglect the practical knowledge of the author who is a social worker at the Court of Justice in Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil, these article aims to contribute with reflections about the intercession between law and Social Work when the social work expertise is demanded by family law. It seeks to expose the apparatus that provides and guides the carrying out of forensic expertises, as well as explain the ethical, methodological and technical framework’s of Social Work that guides and limits the forensic social work expertise. The conclusion reached is the need of mutual respect to the expertise of the different workers in the judicial process, as well as the need of minimum knowledge about each other area.


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Author Biography

Gabriela Peixoto, Fluminense Federal University (UFF), Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Graduated in Social Work (UFRJ) and International Relations (UNESA). Master in Social Work (PPGSSDR/UFF). Specialist in Family and Succession Law (FMP/RS). Judicial social worker at TJ/RS. Technical supervisor of the ATASS team.


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How to Cite

Peixoto, G. (2024). Forensic social expertise in family law: reflections for a necessary dialogue between Social Work and Law. Textos & Contextos (Porto Alegre), 23(1), e45579.