Formation of the minimum wage and the necessary social minimums
On Social Rights and Impacts in 'Bolsonaro's Brazil’
Minimum Wage, Human Needs, Marxist Theory of Dependence, Superexploitation, Social Rights.Abstract
We aim to contribute to the debate on social minimums and human needs in present-day Brazil, where the initial decree of the Bolsonaro government addressed the Minimum Wage. This article is grounded in the Marxist Theory of Dependence, utilizing the concept of superexploitation, along with the categories of social minimums and human needs. The exacerbation of life and labor precarity, coupled with the erosion of rights, shapes a context that further magnifies the expressions of the social question. In the midst of this, there lies a reflection on professional engagement, with the goal of uniting forces and resistance to confront the encroachment of capital upon human lives and nature.
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