Self-care Strategies
the silencing of social work on professional care
Social work, sychic illness, self-careAbstract
The artcle aims to analyze the laws, regulations and resolutions of the CFESS/CRESS set, as well as the guidelines of de ABEPSS work and research groups, to glimpse the existence of discussions about the processes and psychic illnesses of Social Work professionals, as well as the need for dialogue on professional self-care. Through a documentary research, enhanced in the current documents of the category, such as: codes of ethics, law regulating the profession and other resolutions carried out since the 1990s, a theoretical refl ection was carried out that brings to light not only the relevance of the subject, as well as the selective mutism of the category with regard to strategies for coping with illnesses in the world of work, which also plague the daily lives of Social Work professionals.
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