


Latin America and the Caribbean, Food sovereignty, Regional integration, Hunger


The article addresses the issue of hunger in the world, one of the most perverse phenomena experienced by humanity in this new decade. Starting in 2014, an upward trend in food insecurity began to manifest itself, reaching serious levels in 2019-2020.With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, concern grew about the effects it could have on the food crisis worldwide and, especially, in Latin America and the Caribbean. The latter, because it is the region where commercial access to food is among the most expensive in the world. By the way, Latin America does not face a shortage of food, but on the contrary it has an abundance of them. These contradictions make it necessary to question whether market liberalization has been a solution to solve the problem of hunger at the world level. As well as reviewing the relevance of “official” food security policies and their driving institutions. One of the solutions is to achieve coordinated and permanent action by the States to guarantee the provision of food to the population and prevent the advance of hunger. Our conclusion is that the strengthening of regional integration projects based on food sovereignty is required.


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Author Biography

Consuelo Silva Flores , Conselho Latino-Americano de Ciências Sociais (CLACSO/REDEM), Santiago, SCL, Chile.

Master’s degree in Economics obtained at the Latin American School of Graduate Studies of ARCIS University. Researched studying Regional Integration topics. Coordinator of the “Regional Integration and Latin American Unity” Work Group. Commercial Engineer with a bachelor’s degree in Economic Sciences from University ARCIS, Chile.


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How to Cite

Silva Flores , C. (2020). TO OVERCOME THE PLIGHT OF HUNGER: A REGIONAL INTEGRATION BASED ON FOOD SOVEREIGNTY. Textos & Contextos (Porto Alegre), 19(2), e39636.




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