Public fund dispute in times of pandemic in Brazil
Public fund, Fiscal Austerity, PandemicAbstract
This article aims to analyze the budgetary execution of public funds resources specifically destined for actions to combat Covid-19, within the scope of the state of public calamity that Brazil is experiencing, problematizing the policy of fiscal austerity, in particular, the effects EC 95 in public spending. To this end, it carried out a survey of budgetary execution in the SIGA Brasil system of the Federal Senate and budgetary data made available on the Covid Panel by the Independent Fiscal Institute. The results of the analysis demonstrate that austerity policies have been causing a devastating effect on Brazilian social spending, imploding the structure of resources linked to social policies defined in the 1988 Constitution. The execution of budgetary actions related to the new corona virus is below what is necessary, especially in public health policy. The public fund that prioritizes the payment of interest on public debt has proved insufficient to face the challenges and effects of the worsening social inequalities, unemployment and hunger that plagues the country in times of pandemic in Brazil.
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