Gender, poverty and Health
Systematic review on the health of homeless women
Homeless women, Health, Public Health, GenderAbstract
Homeless women, part of a phenomenon that constitutes as a global problem and inherent to the capitalist mode of production (CMP), are subject to a series of oppression and inequalities that are especially alarming with regard to their health. This study aimed to understand what has been researched about this group of woman, in the nacional and internacional context, from a systematic literature review, and taking into account gender particularities. The following databases were consulted: Lilacs, Redalyc, SciELO, ERIC, and the website of Portal de Periódicos da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES/Brazil). The key words selected were homeless women, health, health care, health care policy and therapeutic itineraries, through which a final sample of 21 articles were found, having their analysis expressed in three categories: Violence, poverty and living on the streets: implications for women’s health; motherhood, work and health: ambivalence felt in the bodies; access to health and social assistance services. The findings show the intersection between gender, the life in the streets and health, highlighting the cross-cultural character of the phenomenon, and the need to invest in further research in the area.
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