Coiling concept
Structural crisis, College education, PrecariateAbstract
This article comes from a PhD research and proposed to problematize about the precarious concept in the face of changes in the world of work in a context of structural crisis of capital. It is noteworthy that the precariat is a conjunctural, polysemic term and is in dispute. Based on authors that discuss this category in depth: Guy Standing (2015), Ruy Braga (2013/2017) and Alves (2012/2015) were used. The methodology used is of a qualitative character, based on documentary analysis and results of empirical research, with a view to indicating the urgency of the precariat and its relationship with education. Therefore, to inquire about the precariat is to give visibility and meaning to this new proletarian layer that emerges in the world of work and that is in full swing. Finally, it is affirmed that we live in flexible times of rights and in that fluidity the concept of precariousness that is maturing and inserted in the eye of the hurricane emerges, in which the structural crisis of capital is revealed.
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