The internationalization and regional integration of Higher Education one hundred years after the University Reform of Córdoba in 1918
Internationalization. Higher education. Postgraduate. University reform. Historical memory.Abstract
This essay discusses the issue of the internationalization and regional integration of Higher Education from an exercise of historical memory in which the central components of the process that originated the 1918 Reform at the National University of Córdoba, Argentina, were rescued as a protagonist to the student movement of that house of studies and then extended to other Latin American universities. For that, they are approached: the political analysis of the processes of internationalization and contemporary regional university integration; the central elements that allow us to recover ideas of the University Reform of 1918 and its scope as a university movement on a Latin American scale and the analysis of that process carried out at the time by José Carlos Mariátegui, a Peruvian Marxist intellectual who supported these initiatives.
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