Impasses and reflections on witness protection in Brazil
Public policy. Violence. Organized crime. Psychosocial intervention.Abstract
Provita’s public policy aims to maintain the physical and psychological integrity of witnesses and victims of violence and organized crime in Brazil. Its highly secretive and restrictive model for the social life of the protégés imposes great complexity on the relationship that’s established between the users and the operators of the protection network. Focusing on the resulting impasses, the present reading seeks to problematize and reflect on the elements that influence these links, looking for possible solutions to the inherent conflicts. The data analyzed come from fragments of cases resulting from the experience of six years of work as a Provita psychologist. In the methodology, the data received reading in the psychosocial perspective, whose focus turns to the historical and social dimensions of the life of protected users. The results reinforce the importance of this perspective for both Provita, and for similar programs cleats.
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