Fight against cancer is to fight for life: a poliocular analysis of the solidarity of the volunteer body against Piaui’s children cancer


  • Lourdes Karoline Almeida Silva UFPI


The developed argument is that the third sector is an economic political construction of the State for the implantation of a neoliberal program of reduction in State’s social action, and volunteer work as a revalued socio cultural construction in the last ten years in Brazil. So, in this process, the volunteer as a social identity, one of the tools for legitimating a new position of Brazilian State. with the reduction of social action of Brazilian State, there was a desresponsabilization with the social and consequently responsabilization of society for the management of focused social policies. Thus, the culture of voluntarism promoted the construction of volunteer identities who legitimate the process of publicization. In this process, the social rights and social solidarity were transformed into social duties for the excluded and local and voluntary solidarity.

Key-words - State. Third sector. Volunteer. Social identities


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How to Cite

Silva, L. K. A. (2007). Fight against cancer is to fight for life: a poliocular analysis of the solidarity of the volunteer body against Piaui’s children cancer. Textos & Contextos (Porto Alegre), 6(2), 375–394. Retrieved from



Strategies of State and civilian society in the constitution of the public sphere