Aquisição dos ditongos orais decrescentes: contribuições da teoria da otimidade conexionista
The acquisition of falling oral diphthongs in Brazilian Portuguese was discussed in Bonilha (2000) on the basis of data on 86 cross-sectional subjects in light of standard Optimality Theory (OT) – generativist/connectionist. The results show that the acquisition of diphthongs formed by low vowels precedes that of diphthongs formed by mid-high and high vowels. Benayon (2006), using multi-representational models, challenges this analysis by taking issue with the OT approach. The argument is based on the fact that type and token frequencies play a role in the phonological development process. The present paper, based on the longitudinal data on a subject aged 1:0 and 4:0, proposes a reanalysis of the acquisition of the falling oral diphthongs in Brazilian Portuguese on the basis of connectionist Optimality Theory. It aims at demonstrating the suitability of this theoretical model for a data analysis that takes the role of type and token frequency into account.
Palavras-chave: aquisição; Teoria da Otimidade Conexionista; ditongos orais decrescentes.
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