Hydrokinesiotherapy on functionality, falls and musculoskeletal disorders in elderly women
elderly, hydrotherapy, balance, falls, functionality.Abstract
Objectives: To evaluate the effects of a hydrokinesiotherapy program on functionality, risk of falls and musculoskeletal changes of active elderly women who participate on the Universidade Aberta à Terceira Idade (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás – UNATI PUC-GO). Secondarily, we also aimed to correlate the epidemiological profile with the functionality.
Materials and Methods: Quasi-experimental study, with a sample of 60 elderly women who attended FISIOÁGUA workshop for four months, twice a week, by fifty minutes. The functionality was evaluated by the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) and the risk of falls by the Quick Screen Clinical Falls Risk Assessment. The statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to determinate the normality of the data, the Wilcoxon test for comparisons and to evaluate correlations the Pearson’s correlation index was used, with a significance level of p<0.05.
Results: The mean age was 67±6.0 years old, body mass index 28.88±6.0 kg/cm², of which 56.7% presented arthritis/arthrosis and 40% presented osteoporosis. Statistically significant differences were found after the intervention on functionality (p=0.0001) and risk of falls (p=0.0001). Through the subgroup analysis, after the intervention, the elderly with arthritis/arthrosis and osteoporosis presented significant improvement in the functionality (p=0.0001). It was observed a statistically significant, moderate and negative correlation between age and pre-intervention gait speed (r=-0.333, p=0.009). After the intervention (r=-0.202, p=0.122) the correlation was not significant.
Conclusion: It was observed that the hydrokinesiotherapy program was effective in improving the functionality, reducing the risk of falls and musculoskeletal alterations in active elderly women who presented or not arthritis and osteoporosis.
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