Family's comprehension towards patients with multidrug-resistant organisms concerning the isolation and its precaution measures


  • Raquel Barcellos Marques Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre
  • Carem Gorniak Lovatto HCPA
  • Camila Piuco Prevê HCPA
  • Sônia Beatriz Coccaro de Souza UFRGS



infection control, health education, caregivers


Objective: The multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) are a public health issue due to its growing incidence and propagation risk, being the spread control of co-responsibility by the visitors and relatives. So, this research has the goal to analyze the relatives' perception on the origin of the contamination and the need for isolation in a specific unit, and also the knowledge about the contact precaution measures oriented for the caretaking.

Materials and Methods: A descriptive study of qualitative approach where eight family members of MDROs patients have been interviewed concerning their care about the oriented preventive measures by the Hospital Infection Control Comission, both during admission and after their return home.

Results: Contact precaution measures are interpreted, by the relatives, as protection conducts. The relatives refer to other routes of transmission besides the contact one, associating the MDROs with the presented infections by patients in the hospital.

Conclusions: Transfer to a specific unit of MDROs is interpreted as an act of care, because the precaution measures are given directly to the contaminated individual, even though its goal is the non-propagation to other patients. MDROs are interpreted as infection, so that the relatives seek for previous concepts of transmission to justify the contamination.


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