Fundamental right to life and the principle of autonomy of will: an historical view forward practices abortifacient
Fundamental Right to Life, Principle of Freedom of Choice, Abortion.Abstract
This research is about the fundamental right to life and the principle of freedom of choice in the Brazilian legal system, which refers to a discussion in the face of abortion analyzed from a historical perspective. The studies aim to expound briefly on the meaning and doctrinal understanding of the fundamental right to life and the principle of freedom of choice. It also intends to explain what kinds of allowed and prohibited abortions in the Brazilian legal system, as well as its history and changes over time. Still, developing the discussion on the practice of abortion in parental rights on such rights. Among those mentioned and highlighted assumptions are the fundamental right to life, the principle of freedom of choice, and abortion institute analyzed in line with the principle of human dignity which is the pillar of the Constitution.
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