Determinants of debt and default propensity associated with the bankruptcy of individuals
Indebtedness. Defaut Rates. Bankruptcy.Abstract
The indebtedness and default rates are themes that are in constant discussion,
being present in many costumers’ lives. Socioeconomic factors are not the sole features that present impact on the level of indebtedness and default rates of an individual; other demographic variables, and especially the subject’s personality traits also tend to explain costumer’s indebtedness and default rates. Thus, the main goal of this study is to identify the main predictor factors of indebtedness and default rates that can contribute to the bankruptcy of the individual, legally known as civil insolvency. The present study has a exploratory, descriptive and quantitative nature. Through a field research in a sample of 200 individuals the hypotheses of the framework could be tested. The results indicate a direct effect of the use of notification of payment and of the level of materialism on the level of indebtedness. About default rates, it was found significant relations with the value of personal income, amount of people in the family, habit of saving money, level of materialism and presence of the name in records of debtors. Finally, it was also found that the bigger level of indebtedness, default rates or materialism, the greater the probability of bankruptcy.
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