Tweeting: a consumption analyze of the microblogging tool Twitter
Consumption. Twitter. Social Media. Virtual Interaction. Videography.Abstract
In this study we aimed at analyzing and understanding how and why individuals
consume microblogging tools, with a focus on the Twitter platform. Initially, we present a review of social media, virtual interaction and virtual communities to sustain our empirical analysis. In order to reach our goals, we choose an interpretative approach through the use of the videographic technique. Our results, regarding the motivations of consumption, indicate that the human need to be in contact with others and to be part of a group are the most
relevant factors, since the virtual community that emerges among users congregate people with similar interests and allow the sharing of information between these people. Analyzing the new forms of consumption that had emerged from Web 2.0, facilitate the understating of new forms of social organization, especially in the changes of the dynamic of production and consumption. Therefore, with the characteristics of a community, as a result of the creation of mutual value among users, the network created by Twitter is sustained by the consumers’ desire to interact among themselves – producing and consuming simultaneously – and also by the value perceived on the information shared through this platform.
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