A study about trust, value and customer loyalty in a car dealership


  • Lasier Gorziza de Souza Unisinos - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
  • Gabriel Sperandio Milan UCS - Universidade de Caxias do Sul
  • Celso Augusto de Matos Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


Relationship Marketing. Trust. Value. Loyalty.


The study intended to examine, from the theoretical model proposed by Sirdeshmukh, Singh e Sabol (2002), the interdependent relationship among the Operational Competence, Operational Benevolence and Problem-solving Orientation constructs as two Trust facets dimensions forming; Trust in Management Policies and Practices (MPPs) and Trust in Frontline Employees (FLE); (Perceived) Value and consumer Loyalty in the context of retail services at the car dealership located in Serra Gaucha. For this, a survey was implemented, resulting in a sample of 235 respondents. Data were analyzed by means of Structural Equation Modeling techniques. The results support a three dimensional view of Trust evaluations, through Operational Competence, Operational Benevolence and Problem-solving Orientation dimensions. Trust in FLE played a critical role in relation to the Trust in MPPs and consumer Loyalty, suggesting the Trust as an one-dimensional construct, and not two-dimensional, and antecedent of consumer Loyalty.


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