Application of semiotics in the investigation of perceived positioning: a study in the construction materials industry


  • Cassiana Maris Lima Cruz UPF
  • Janine Fleith de Medeiros UPF
  • Aline Mara Meurer UPF


Perceived positioning. Semiotic. Construction materials.


This study examines, through the use of semiotics, the perceived positioning for the different brands that compete in retail building materials in a city of the RS. Thus, three groups of icons metaphorical (shoes, cars, animals) were established as symbols that ware related with the six brands of shops whose position it was investigating. From this, a dynamic interpretant was generated, by which it was possible to identify a final interpretant, and finally, the perceived positioning. As main results, the study provides a mapping of the construction materials market town focus, identifying the associations that constitute the various images of the offerings in the minds of consumers. It is noteworthy that semiotics is the science relevant to the access of researchers to elements disguised rationality with consumers, making it necessary for quantitative studies are also looking at the developed analysis methodology proposed by Peirce (SANTAELLA, 2008).

Author Biographies

Cassiana Maris Lima Cruz, UPF

Doutor em Comunicação pela PUCRS. Professor pesquisador da UPF.

Janine Fleith de Medeiros, UPF

Mestre em Administração e Negócios pela PUCRS. Professor pesquisador da UPF.

Aline Mara Meurer, UPF

Mestre em Administração pela PUCRS. Professor pesquisador da UPF.


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