Breaking the silence and the photovoice

an innovative approach in Environmental Social Work




Human Rights, photovoice, Environmental Social Work


This article aims to relate Environmental Social Work, climate change and photovoice. Its goal is to address the essential issues, using the participatory action research methodology, photovoice. This approach aims to empower students for their participation in cultural learning community. It is worth noting the current ecological crisis that affects us all at various levels such as health, food production, security, employment and access to natural resources, especially for stigmatized societies. Authors such as Dominelli e Nikku (2018), Iamamoto (2003), Ramsay and Boddy (2017), and others are cited to explain the discussion about the responsibility of the Social Work professional in this context. It is important to highlight the action of developed countries in the emission of greenhouse gases and the importance of commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals and Human Rights. The photovoice methodology is central to the work of Social Workers in the development of policies, in the use of digital media that can strengthen social support and interaction between the professional and the user.


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Author Biography

Irene Bernardo, University of the Azores, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal.

Degree in Social Work from the University of the Azores. Training in Negligence, Abuse and Mistreatment; How to Prepare Reports; General Accounting; Simplified Regime for Independent Workers.


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How to Cite

Bernardo, I. (2024). Breaking the silence and the photovoice: an innovative approach in Environmental Social Work. Conversas & Controvérsias, 11(1), e45827.



Social Research and its contributions to the development of Public and Organizational Policies